9) Did the show influence your opinion about migration in any way? If yes, how?
Answers from Romania:
- No
- It is painful when you see children at home suffering and longing for the parent who left.
- No; on the contrary. The situation presented is not among the most tragic ones. The little girl can discern and, with all the trouble she lives through, she chooses a path of dignity, unlike many cases when children shift on the wrong path out of despair, hatred, hopelessness.
- I have the same opinion as before – immigrants who go to other countries and look for a better life to help their family deserve respect and appreciation for their efforts and suffering. But to be honest, I would like that not to be necessary. Try and solve the things in the country, make Romania a better, more developed place.
- Not applicable.
- No; it’s a complex topic.
- No.
- Yes. Cruel reality behind aspirations.
- Migration doesn’t help anyone.
- Yes, in a positive sense.
- No.
- Yes, emotionally.
- No.
- No.
- Yes. Being with your family is important.
- NO.
- Migration harms family relations, it kills dreams and shortens lives…
- In general, I am aware of the drama of severed families. The show opened a special emotional view from my heart. The idea of becoming aware of the feelings that come to being in such families is brilliant. A dramatic reality of severed families.
- So that [I would like] less cases of people leaving the country.
- Yes. I will spend more time with my daughter.
- No. I knew that being abroad is not an easy thing for Romanians. There is compromise in that, and you struggle every day to get through.
- It helped me become aware of the drama of families in such situations.
- No.
- Yes. The situation of these people looks sadder than I thought it to be, and the negative effects seem stronger.
//Obs. point 12) live their life as independently as possible and try to stay close to both parents. - no
- I was aware of the aspects presented in the show, and my opinion about migration did not change.
- NO
- We must make our families more important and not give up so easily.
- Yes. Even if it’s hard to leave away from the family, you sometimes believe it’s better for them.
- Yes, because I felt that the little girl went through the greatest suffering after her mother left to Spain.
- Yes. It is unfair for a child not to grow up with both parents.
- Yes. If someone of a different nationality is aggressive or does some harm, it doesn’t mean that all the people of that nation are the same.
- NO.
- Yes; I was influenced both in a positive and in a negative way. Emigration is useful in order to get a better life, but it usually severs most families.
- Yes, I was influenced. Migration is sometimes a good thing.
- Yes, it did influence me. I will never leave my family alone in the country.
- Yes. When you have a family, we either leave all, or none of us leaves.
- Yes; it made me think more of my brothers who are away, and that I should call them more often.
- I don’t agree, but I accept it; I have a daughter, a son-in-law and 2 grandchildren across the ocean. I am realistic and I hope they will come back.
- Yes.
- Yes. A family shouldn’t be like this, with fights or other types of violence.
- No.
- Yes; I felt – and it proved to me that, besides the physical situation, which is painful, there is also a psychological side that has even greater impact.
- Yes; it proved to me that, besides the better financial status, the relationship between the members of the family will be deplorable.
- Yes; don’t leave your family.
- It influenced me in a positive way, because it had something to do with me, in a way.
- Yes; that it can influence a family’s life a lot.
- It made me see a different side of it.
- Yes. In general, immigration should generate positive effects, not negative effects for those who choose to go on this path.
- No.
- No.
- Yes; I was able to understand how hard it is.
- It didn’t influence my opinion. I had the same opinion before.
- Yes. A lot of the problems could be avoided.
- No.
- Yes; it helped me learn new responses in difficult situations.
- No.
- My father is away and I feel what Betty feels.
- Negative, regarding the drama of the children at home.
- Something should change in the country – Romanians shouldn’t have to migrate any longer.
- I started to understand the depth of the trauma in these families.
- A negative influence, because I believe it shouldn’t be only one part of the family that migrates.
- Yes. It’s very sad for the families who go through this. Our society is guilty for all that.
- I remembered my longing for my mother while she was abroad, but I didn’t live Betty’s drama. Everything was in peace and harmony.
- The drama of the emigrant, but also the drama of the one at home.
- News and papers present the information in a statistic manner. The show presented the situation from an emotional perspective, and it helped me understand the phenomenon better.
- Many Romanians migrate hoping for a better life. They get to earn a lot, but their thoughts and hearts are always back home. They lose more than they earn, but on a different level.
- I wouldn’t like to leave without my family.
Answers from Spain (selection – yes/no answers have been excluded):
- More empathy.
- Positively.
- It’s actually a situation I know about, but it’s a way of conveying how they feel.
- No, I’d rather say it confirmed it.
- No, I knew about the situation because I have a friend.
- Yes, it made me feel more empathy towards the immigrants.
- No, I already had a positive opinion.
- No, I already had a pretty similar opinion.
- The man had a sexist profile that made me hate him and think it was actually fine that he left.
- Nice.
- No, I knew similar cases and I know things about immigration situations but this reflects it in a very original, real manner.
- I felt identified in some of the moments since I am in a similar situation.
- Yes, the way in which a family is divided by work.
- Yes, that it is tough to leave your country even if you think it’s easy.
- Yes, seeing that the story within the family can be real tough but seeing that in other countries they can welcome you really warmly and heartily.
- Yes, about how difficult it is and the effects it has on family relationships.
- Yes, because of how difficult dealing with distance can turn out.
- Yes, in a positive manner.
- Yes, positively.
- Not really.
- It allowed me to get closer to the different points of view of all the characters and it affects imagination.
- Complicated family life I think gets more complicated when distance is involved.
- It’s brilliant the way it’s approached.
- I was already sensitive about this issue, but it helped me to better understand what children can feel.
- Yes. I knew it was complicated but I couldn’t tell just how much.
- I always thought that migration is a major issue.
- No, because I think migration is something natural.
- Yes, it showed it the daily life of an immigrant family and helped me understand it better.
- Yes, it conveyed a different experience about how families are intertwined in spite of the distance.
- That it is necessary.
- I wasn’t conscious about how tough it was to be moving to another country.
- Yes, everyone has their story and that is why they sometimes need to migrate.
- I always thought that we are all equal and we must be treated with equal respect.
- Yes, it makes me pay more attention to this theme from now on.
- Yes, knowing the situation they are in.
- No, I already have a general picture, but I think it is a reality.
- I was aware.
- No, I still have the same opinion.
- I could see closely how bad it feels to be away from your country and from the people you love.
- I could never imagine how tough it could be to emigrate in order earn a living away from the place you were born in and suffer discrimination.
- It bestowed a very concrete quality to something general I already knew and it developed it.
10) Did the show influence your opinion about communication via the internet in any way? Justify your answer.
Answers from Romania:
- Yes. Communication via the internet provides quantity, but not quality. It’s just a “surrogate” of emotional communication. It improves, but it doesn’t heal!
- Yes. Easier to connect.
- Communication via the internet didn’t influence me in any way
- I don’t find communication via the internet sufficient
- No
- Nowadays, it is the most important type of communication with those who are away.
- No
- No
- No
- Communication via the internet brings people closer, but without bringing them closer in reality
- Yes. It favours a connection between people who are away from each other.
- No.
- The internet sometimes becomes a family for those who can only communicate in this way.
- Yes. For some people, internet blends with life.
- I deem that this type of communication is vital for keeping a close relationship in this situation, and that this type of technology would have been extremely useful when my mother was away.
- No.
- No. Just like before, I think that it is necessary sometimes, even if it is not the ideal way to communicate.
- No, because in my opinion Internet is a very good method for communication, but it does set some barriers and limits in understanding.
- Yes. Technology brings the family closer.
- No.
- Yes, it’s ineffective, it cannot replace direct communication.
- No.
- No.
- Yes
- Communication is ok, no matter how it takes place.
- Very interesting.
- Yes. It is efficient.
- Yes, it is efficient.
- No! Or maybe yes, to the extent to which it can be a great substitute for the presence of the loved one, but FOR A SHORT PERIOD OF TIME!
- Yes. Using the internet as a form of artistic expression.
- No.
- No.
- No.
- Not really.
- No.
- No.
- It didn’t influence me.
- No.
- No.
- NO
- No.
- It didn’t influence me.
- No.
- No.
- No.
- Yes. Communication via the internet is part of our life.
- Yes.
- I can see its usefulness.
- I understood long time ago how much the internet has changed everyone’s life.
- Communication remains the essential thing in the given situation.
- YES –
- No; it’s a good form of communication.
- NO.
- Communication via the internet is beneficial, and maybe it’s the only excuse for migration.
- Internet is merely a surrogate; authentic communication is what solves the problems.
- Communication via the internet can be beneficial, but it can also create the deceit of the remoteness.
- YES. It does NOT replace the person; emotions are not shared in the same way.
- No. We have relatives who are away and we communicate every day, in the same way.
- No.
- I always thought that internet is extremely useful for communication.
- Yes. Communication via the internet is useful when people are very far away from each other.
- No.
- I would not have thought that we could use communication via the internet in such a creative manner.
- no
- Yes; poor quality.
- No.
- yes. I got an even better understanding of the limits of this type of communication.
- Yes; I was able to get a clearer picture of the limitations of internet communication. It enabled me to get a better view of the absence inside the presence.
- No.
- NO
- Yes, because it can diminish the child’s longing as she is talking or, even better, seeing her parent who is abroad
- No; I knew how communication via the internet is used by people migrating abroad.
- It is very useful to keep in touch with those abroad.
- Yes; in my opinion, the internet has an advantage in terms of distance family relations, and it has both positive and negative influences on the persons involved.
- Yes. Sometimes the internet can help us be closer to the loved ones, even if not physically.
- My opinion about communication via the internet is the same. Internet helps us a lot.
- No.
- No.
- No.
- Yes, because I believe communication via the internet is helpful, but face-to-face communication is better.
- No.
- Yes, because family members and loved ones have the possibility to communicate better via the internet.
- I reached the conclusion that it’s not that efficient, but in situations like the one presented in the show, it is a must.
- No.
- It didn’t influence my opinion [about?] communication via the internet.
- Communication via the internet can be useful, but physical absence creates problems.
- Yes. Communication via the internet cannot replace face-to-face communication.
- Yes. I am not for communication via the internet, even though I myself use it, unfortunately.
- Yes. A family cannot exist through internet communication only.
- No!
- No. My opinion is unchanged.
- No.
- Because it is not the same as personal communication and it does not help.
- No.
- No.
- Yes. I had a similar experience to Betty’s and I know what having a parent abroad means.
- It is beneficial and useful sometimes, but it does not replace actual presence.
- It didn’t influence me.
- No, because I knew this type of communication is not as good as real-life communication.
- NO.
- In my opinion, internet is very important for family members or friends who are away from each other, because it helps alleviate the longing for the loved ones.
- No; for me, it remains a surrogate of a direct emotional relationship.
- Yes. I saw an increasing number of stories that are identical to the one presented. I think such things should not happen any more. Communication via the internet is good, but it does not compare to the actual presence of the people.
- Communication via the internet is good, but the physical presence makes the difference.
- Yes, because people don’t express everything they feel in words, and what they cannot say can be seen on their face, sometimes.
- You can’t do the same things via the internet.
- No.
- Yes. It is very useful. It does maintain some contact of some sort.
- I had the same opinion before. Internet is useful.
- No
- There are pro’s and con’s about internet communication. It’s an easy way to communicate and see the loved one, but there is no emotional feeling.
- Communication via the internet did facilitate the relationship between the mother and the remaining family at home to some extent, but pure presence is much more important.
- Communication via the internet has become an everyday thing.
- No.
- No.
- For the better; something new for me.
- Yes.
- No.
- Her mother didn’t have any other solution to look after her or communicate with her.
- We couldn’t communicate or convey information without the internet.
- Yes, because we couldn’t communicate without the internet.
- No.
- Yes, it made me understand that this communication doesn’t always help.
- Yes.
- Yes, of course.
- No.
- No.
- Yes.
- Yes, it is very important.
- I find it just as efficient as I thought it was.
- No.
- In this situation, communication via the internet is a good thing.
- Yes. Communication via the internet is good, but not in the case of families severed by distance.
- Yes, it is very important.
- No.
- It’s good to communicate via the internet when your loved ones are away.
- Yes. It’s very good to communicate with your loved ones.
- No.
- No.
- Not really.
- No.
- No.
- Yes, because internet is the only source for communication.
- No.
- Communication via the internet is good as long as it maintains a relationship of love and respect between family members.
- Yes. Communication via the internet makes distances shorter.
- No; only to a very small extent.
- Even if a parent cannot be replaced, internet plays a very important part.
- No.
- No.
- No.
- Yes, very necessary.
- Yes, communication seems much more efficient to me now.
- No, because I was already aware of what what going on.
- No, because I am in the same situation with my father.
- No, because I have the same opinion.
- No, because I have the same opinion. Internet has some good things and some bad things.
- Yes, because not everything is good with the help of the internet. The distance from the parents will always influence a child.
- Yes. Nothing can compare to a touch.
- Internet helps a lot, especially in terms of talking to someone, seeing the person. At the same time, there are some minuses with internet, such as the fact that we forget to communicate face to face with a person.
- Yes, it made me see greater benefit to the internet, even though virtual communication is not enough, compared to the actual presence of someone.
- I don’t think so.
- No.
- It didn’t influence me.
- It is efficient, but not sufficient.
- It is necessary nowadays.
- Yes, some people being closer to the others, but it doesn’t fill the emptiness in people’s hearts.
- It cannot replace “face-to-face” communication.
- No.
- Communication via the internet is THE NECESSARY EVIL.
- No.
- I liked it, because it was a new experience.
- Yes; I didn’t perceive internet communication as being this useful, because I didn’t have this experience.
- Communication via the internet is efficient. But you can’t educate a child and be there for your husband via the internet.
- No; I did have an intuition about it. Communication is ok; it’s the purpose that matters. The objectives and the feeling of freedom and the communication potential – it all results in real-time information. If you are well informed, it’s easier to make it through life.
- No. Internet is useful in communication, but it is insufficient in terms of maintaining the relationships within a family.
- Communication is very good, but education takes place in the family.
- Positive influence of internet in communication (in this case).
- No.
- Yes.
- Not necessarily.
- The idea is very interesting. Very good show.
- It helps you somehow, but psychologically speaking, it’s very hard.
- No. I know that face-to-face communication is best.
- An original way of viewing a show.
- No. I had a good opinion about internet communication.
- I had the same opinion; speaking via the internet is not SUFFICIENT.
- Yes. Everything is possible. Very interesting.
- Yes. No matter how good it is, technology cannot replace human presence.
- It’s virtual communication, with no emotions and no feelings.
- No.
- Communication via the internet cannot replace the parents’ physical presence for the children.
- It confirmed the usefulness, but also the fact that feelings change when you communicate via the internet.
- No.
- Internet has already invaded everyday life. There is no way to escape from it.
- I think my opinion about communication via the internet has acquired a negative aspect as well, as the virtual environment prevents emotions from being shared and makes relationships scarcer.
- Yes.
Answers from Spain (selection – yes/no answers have been excluded):
- No, I had experience.
- Yes, depending on our actions it can create a distance with the between people, either close or far.
- No, not really.
- It is a real help for direct communication.
- I use internet to communicate daily.
- I feel that people are closer with video calls.
- Not really.
- Yes it did.
- I paid more attention to the story than to those factors.
- It’s obvious technology is able to get people that are separated closer and closer every day.
- No, it’s still the same.
- Since I have friends who live abroad I have used this type of communication with them for us to be able to see one another and share our experiences.
- Sometimes, given that we use it every day, we are not even conscious of the fact that internet allows us to feel really close to those people that are miles away from us and that it is a true privilege.
- If reveals the importance of internet in the case of families that are away from one another and this way they can speak and see one another.
- Yes, in this case it’s very important, technology is more and more advanced.
- No, I think right now everyone knows about internet communication, we even use it for short distance situations.
- Yes, causing the distance to be easier for both parties.
- No, it’s something we use day by day.
- It is vital for families who get separated and it having the right to internet should be a right.
- Internet communication is a way of being close to the family in some way.
- No, I think.
- Yes, since there is no other way of communicating.
- If one lives far away from their family it’s important.
- The people who can only see their family this way have even the possibility of having dinner together.
- Yes, seeing the importance of being communicated.
- Yes, our reality, the sad reality of communication over the web.
- With internet communication we get close when we are far and distance is made easier.
- It makes it easier that two cities are close.
- It’s very interesting, it is a different and real manner.
- Not always.
- I think it’s not an environment in which one can express oneself clearly and distance isn’t easy to deal with.
- Yes, it showed me that internet communication can open many gates.
- Yes, it makes us see the huge array of options available.
- No, I knew about the power of internet.
- Internet communication helps that we don’t break the connection with other people that are far away.
- It’s good to be able to speak to your family when they are very far, thanks to the internet we can see those people and personally I am happy in some degree because I am able to see them this way.
- Yes, over the internet one can take the same decisions as they would in person.
- No, I knew it was very useful.
- No, we live in a globalized world and internet is basic in our lives.
- Yes, it’s important in some situations.
- Yes, it influenced me.
- Yes, it’s a very useful tool when they are separated.
- No, I was conscious because I live abroad.
- No, since internet based communication is different for every person.
- No, internet communication always seemed useful to me.
- It backed the idea that right now, thanks to the communication over the internet, everything is possible.
- I think it is an incredible tool.
- It can be very useful but it does convey a lot of coldness if you asked me.
11) Is the use of remote communication technology in your family different from the use of technology in the family presented in the show? Justify your answer.
Answers from Romania:
- No. We have the tendency to formalise this type of communication; “a lot of it” apparently, but with no essence to it.
- No. We use Hangouts, Skype , Whatsapp too
- The communication technology used in the show is not different from what I use at home.
- It is not different, because my father lives in a different city too, and I use technology to communicate with him in the same way; however, I prefer to see him
- No
- It is not different. It is identical.
- We communicate online quite a lot. When we are not together we communicate online.
- No
- No
- It is different, because communication in my family is only by phone; video calls are very rare, almost absent. The context of the leaving is different, however, because people who work abroad don’t have young children and somehow they manage to get through better
- No.
- No
- Yes. We are only interested in communication as such.
- Yes. The purpose is different.
- Yes; Facebook was new at that time, and we rarely used the video chat.
- It is not different, because technology is used for the same purpose.
- Yes; video calls are rare in my family.
- No, because voice / video calls are used just as frequently in communicating with relatives who are far away.
- I don’t use any. Not applicable.
- Yes.
- Yes; using technology is minimal in my family.
- No.
- Yes.
- No
- It is the same.
- I don’t like communication in this way; [I like it] by phone.
- Yes. Face to face is different.
- Yes.
- Yes; we use communication technology very little.
- Yes. We sometimes use other applications. Other times they are similar.
- No.
- No.
- No.
- No.
- No.
- Very little.
- No.
- It is not different.
- No.
- No.
- NO
- No.
- No.
- No.
- No.
- Yes, since my family does not use online communication for these purposes.
- It is not different.
- Yes, because we only communicate through messages, not through video conference.
- I don’t have frequent communication via the internet with my family.
- It is not different.
- NO.
- NO.
- No.
- It is very similar. Transposing it into this show was brilliant.
- It is not different, in general. The stage added new aspects to internet communication; it can stand as an artistic expression by itself.
- No. My family lives together. We don’t use remote communication.
- NO
- No. Absolutely the same.
- Yes. Both parents are at home.
- It is different in that we only use technology for short periods of time and for entertainment messages.
- Yes. My family doesn’t communicate remotely using video.
- Yes. In my family, we only use communication through social sites for short, funny messages of temporary interest.
- Definitely, I try to use technology as little as possible, in favour of direct communication.
- not applicable
- No.
- Yes; we use it less frequently, and we don’t use it in important life situations (when we are physically present together).
- yes. We only communicate using video with the grandparents who live in a different city in Romania, and whom we see less frequently.
- Yes. I don’t live away from my family, so we rarely use this type of communication (when I am away on trips); otherwise we use it to send messages to each other.
- It’s used with greater accuracy (in my communication with the family).
- NO
- Yes, nobody migrated in my family, so we don’t need to use remote communication so often; but when it is necessary, we only use phone calls
- Yes; in my family (all members are in the country) we discuss all important issues face to face, and the time we spend together helps us know each other better and strengthen the bond between us.
- I don’t communicate remotely with my family (there is no reason for that =) ).
- Yes; both me and my family, we use remote communication technology in a pleasant, harmonious way when we have to be away from each other.
- It is different. I speak to my family from a shorter distance, and the longing is much “smaller” than in the case of Betty.
- Use of remote communication technology in my family is not different from what happens in the show.
- Not applicable.
- No.
- Yes.
- Remote communication technology is not used in my family, because they are not away in another country.
- NO
- Yes, my parents don’t use video calls, because the situations when we are away from each other are rare.
- Yes, communication using technology is different in my family, because even if we see each other through just a screen, we enjoy every moment and we don’t fight.
- The usage is different, because we mostly use messages.
- It is different because my family doesn’t communicate excessively using video chat.
- Yes. I have both parents next to me.
- NO
- No!
- No. Me too, I use technology to communicate, on holidays.
- It is not very different, because my older sister is abroad, and we communicate via the internet too.
- No.
- I don’t have to use remote communication technology.
- No.
- No, it is not different.
- I don’t have any of my parents so far away and for such a long time. I am a happy case.
- It is not different.
- NO.
- No. (60 “no”-s)
- No; we use the same methods.
- no, it is not different, it is identical.
- No, it is not different. We use technology to communicate when we miss someone.
- Yes, it is different, because we talk every day and we don’t exclude anything.
- No.
- It is not different, we communicate in the same way.
- Yes; the clarity of the images is much better.
- No.
- No
- I don’t think it would be any different.
- Maybe it wouldn’t be different, but I am lucky to have all my family at home.
- Only by the video calls.
- No.
- No.
- Yes.
- It is different in my family, when not everything is that “pink” in here.
- No.
- No.
- No.
- No.
- Yes, otherwise she couldn’t have seen her mother.
- No.
- No.
- No.
- Yes; there is no one in my immediate family who is away, and I rarely use Skype to talk to my other relatives.
- Yes, we don’t use technology for remote communication.
- No,
- We don’t have remote communication.
- Communication is direct in my family.
- No, we communicate in the same way.
- It is not different.
- No.
- No.
- No.
- No.
- No.
- No.
- No.
- No.
- No.
- No, the means are the same.
- It is not different. I communicate with my mother and my sister in Germany in the same way.
- No.
- No.
- No.
- It is not different.
- No.
- No.
- No.
- No. (100 “NO”-s)
- Yes, the communication of the people in the show is more advanced in terms of quality.
- Yes.
- No.
- Yes. As I don’t have any relative who is away, we don’t communicate exclusively through technology.
- No; it’s the same.
- Not really.
- Technology and using it are similar.
- It is not different.
- It is not different. I don’t communicate with my parents by using remote technology, because I have them close to me.
- Yes. I communicate so often with my family using technology.
- No.
- Technology, but it is not sufficient.
- It is not different.
- Yes, because I don’t have 1st-degree relatives in this situation.
- Yes. Communication through messages, when we are not together.
- No.
- It’s somehow similar.
- No.
- It’s not too different, because we communicate in the same way with the other people.
- Yes, a lot, because in my family we don’t necessarily have to use this modality.
- It’s not different, it happens.
- Yes, it is difficult. Thank God we have a job and we can provide nurturing, love and care for our children.
- Yes. I have my family close to me.
- We talk to each other face to face. It stands no comparison. We only use the phone when we are not together. It’s different.
- No; we have the same technology.
- No. We have the same technology.
- No.
- Not necessarily.
- No.
- No.
- Yes. We spend time face to face.
- No.
- It is not different. We use WhatsApp to communicate.
- It is different; my parents don’t use the internet to communicate; only to get information.
- Not too much.
- When my relative was away we used to communicate via Skype (the best method accessible at that time).
- We communicate much more frequently, and much more. We hear and see each other whenever necessary.
- It is not different.
- No. (124 “It’s NOT different”-s)
- I can’t answer this question because the members of our family are not away from each other.
- The purpose is different; it’s not that necessary, because we don’t have any members of the family who are emigrants.
- Only the frequency of it.
- Not applicable.
- First of all, it’s the situation that is different, because I never communicated via the internet with any member of my family, as no members of my family were away.
Answers from Spain (selection):
- I don’t use it.
- We don’t use Skype.
- It’s very complicated to live away from the family and the ones you love.
- Yes, I try to speak less by video call and telephone.
- Yes, I don’t make video calls.
- I normally use internet to communicate with my family.
- I don’t think it’s used the same way.
- Yes, I don’t use video calling.
- I think it helps.
- No much, it’s basically the same.
- Yes, because all my family lives close by and I can keep in contact without using this type of communication.
- It’s similar, although, maybe since we are closer, we use it less.
- I do facetime with my brother who lives in another country, with the rest I just use instant messaging.
- No, my family lives in a different city and we normally use technology, the same as in the play.
- Yes, I do use video call.
- No, because we use it when we are far away so we are able to see each other.
- It’s the same.
- Yes, since I use video call a lot to talk to my parents.
- It’s the same.
- Yes, very different.
- I do not feel identified in some of the moments. I used long-distance communication.
- I don’t use it, I don’t have any family abroad, only friends.
- Something similar.
- Less communication.
- Thanks to communication technology I can keep in contact.
- I’ve lived far away from my family but not for a long time and I always came back for holidays. It was similar but not that complicated.
- Yes, because this way the mother can meet her daughter, etc.
- I have a brother living in another city in Spain, and that is why we use internet-based communication tools in order to be able to communicate.
- We also use Skype and messaging.
- No, it’s very useful in order to keep in touch.
- Yes, since in my family we only use messaging, and we only use video calling from time to time.
- Yes, I don’t feel the need to communicate with my family on Skype.
- Yes, because since I am studying away from home I must communicate with me on some occasions.
- Totally so. When my family was separated we only had the phone as a communication tool, so we could see one another.