Research Objectives
1) We aim to explore telepresence as an artistic idiom, as we think it will have a major impact on how performances are delivered and produced in the near future.
2) We wish to explore the dynamic of relationships between family members brought apart by distance, thus contributing to research in the fields of migration and Internet studies.
Documenting activities
Each partner organization will document the activities in various formats (audio, video, writing, photography etc.). Moreover, the performance and the exhibition will be live-streamed, and then stored on the website alongside pictures and other videos.
Collecting Audience Responses
1) After technology tests and work-in-progress performances, we will ask the audience to complete an online feedback form. Apart from that, we will also do Q&A sessions and thus collect informal feedback. These will inform our artistic choices.
2) After each performance and before leaving the exhibition, the audience will be asked to complete an online questionnaire about its artistic quality, but also about their Internet communication patterns and opinions on migration.
The questionnaires will be available on Google Forms and all (anonymous) answers will be stored online.
Analysing Data
First of all, the project’s sociologist, Mr. Mircea Kivu, will analyse the communication habits of migrants and their families as revealed in their interviews. Secondly, Artistic Director Marina Hanganu and Associate Director Ion Mircioagă will analyse the audience’s feedback related to technology tests and work-in-progress performances in order to improve the performance. Thirdly, the feedback given after the performances and exhibition will be part of our quantitative and qualitative research into telepresence and Internet relationships in transnational families. Our final analysis will be published in the “Tele-Encounters” book.
Questionnaire for lectures (dissemination phase):
Audience questionnaires for “The Planet of Lost Dreams”:
(RO) Chestionar public – „Planeta Viselor Pierdute”
(ES) Cuestionario de audiencia – “El planeta de los sueños perdidos”
(EN) Audience questionnaire – “The Planet of Lost Dreams”