Entrevistas com as famílias que ficaram para trás

I want to be happy close to the ones I love. That’s it. (PT)

Q: Good Morning. How old are you? A: 51. Q: Are you married? Do you have any children? A: I am married and

He left without big farewells (PT)

Q: Good evening. How old are you? A: 16. Q: Do you have any brothers or sisters? A: No, I’m an only

The only thing I want is for him to get a job and stay here for good (PT)

Q: Good evening. How old are you? A: 16 years old. Q: Do you have any brothers or sisters? A: I’ve got

I think that year passed very quickly and did not have much effect on me (PT)

Q: Good evening. Age? A: 15 years old. Q: Do you have any brothers or sisters? A: I’ve got an elder brother.

It was very painful to see my mother suffer so much (PT)

Q: Good morning. Age? A: 14. Q: Do you have any brothers or sisters? A: I’ve got two brothers and one sister. Q:

I think it was the only time I’ve ever seen my father crying (PT)

Q: Good afternoon. Age? A: 17. Q: Do you have any brothers or sisters? A: I’ve got an elder brother. Q: What

Don’t go, don’t go anymore, I’m tired (PT)

Q: Good morning. How old are you? A: 39. Q: Are you married? Do you have children? A: Yes. Q: How many children

It’s always the same, saying goodbye (PT)

Q: Good afternoon. Age? A: 25 years old. Q: I know that you have a sister who has emigrated, right? A: Yes. Q:

It was a shock (PT)

Q: Good morning. A: Good Morning. Q: How old are you? A: 46 years old. I would rather not answer specific questions,

I do not believe in long-distance relationships (PT)

Q: Good morning. How old are you? A: I’m 28 years old. Q: Do you have any children? A: I have got a