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News about the Tele-Encounters project in EuropaPress.es

julho 1st, 2019|Comentários desativados em News about the Tele-Encounters project in EuropaPress.es

General informations about our project have been featured in EuropaPress.es. You can check the article here.

Spanish Press: The Planet of Lost Dreams – Telematic Performance

julho 1st, 2019|Comentários desativados em Spanish Press: The Planet of Lost Dreams – Telematic Performance

The premiere of “The Planet of Lost Dreams” has been announced in the following Spanish outlets/ websites (click on the link to access the article): Laverdad.es Esadmurcia.es Centroparraga.es Murcia.com Carm.es Europapress.es Lavanguardia.com Investigacion.ucam.edu

The Planet of Lost Dreams – Telematic Performance

agosto 13th, 2018|Comentários desativados em The Planet of Lost Dreams – Telematic Performance

You can read press articles about the "The Planet of Lost Dreams" premiere at The "George Ciprian" Theatre in Buzău  in the following publications: OpiniaBuzau.ro ZiareLive.ro ȘtiriLaZi.ro liveout.ro - Despre perioada de casting esadmurcia.es - Despre perioada

Interactive Animation Tests

agosto 13th, 2018|Comentários desativados em Interactive Animation Tests

You can read press articles about the open digital animation tests in the following publications: Radio România Internațional Ziarelive.ro newsbuzau.ro Agerpres